Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Outfit

This is the outfit I wore for Easter. I didn't really do it up this year because I'm on a budget. As I looked through pretty new dresses at the mall, I asked myself, "Tbyrd, is this a want or a need?" and that settled it. 

So I just threw together something weather appropriate (it was too chilly for me) that I already had in my closet. Anyway, a fashion debate arose when I added the pink belt. To clarify, I didn't wear the belt to church, but had I known of its existence, I would have (it's my mom's)! Instead, I wore it around the house for the rest of the day vowing to wear the ensemble one day (with high heels like these), despite the objections of 3 family members who felt it clashed (one family member disagreed with them). I think it makes the outfit pop. What do you think?

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