Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Rant


I usually don't share my complaints here at M&C (every once in a while) - especially about insignificant things. I usually reserve my rants (there are many) for another blog, share with friends, or keep them bottled up inside, but there's a itty bitty pet peeve I must get off my chest this morning:  radio personalities who know nothing (historically speaking) about the music and/or entertainment industry. Case en pointe:

One morning, a few years back, one D.C. area radio personality stumbled over the name of John Leguizamo as if she'd never even heard his name before. Given her age and length of service in the entertainment industry, I found this unacceptable; but I gave her a pass since John Leguizamo is an actor - not a musician/singer/rapper - and her audience is largely interested in Black entertainers (which Leguizamo is not), so she technically did not have to know much about him (even though she WAS reporting on general entertainment news).

There have been other offenses since but a particular incident from this morning's drive has really stuck in my craw.

I'm listening to another D.C. area morning show (I don't listen to the radio often these days) and, in the course of announcing celebrity gossip, a radio personality announced the impending divorce of Malinda Williams and D-Nice. Again, if you don't work in the entertainment industry, I don't expect you to know this couple, but if you're reporting entertainment news, I figure you should probably know a little something about the folks you're reporting on. So, imagine my shock when none of the announcers in the studio seemed to know who D-Nice was - beyond his current vocation as a deejay and photographer. They had no clue!  Age is no excuse. If you're in the entertainment industry, KNOW ENTERTAINMENT.  Further, if you're in the music industry, KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT MUSIC - especially your genre/format!  Or at least Google stalk people and act like you know. Stop being lazy and do some research. Better yet, know music inside and out - even if it was before your time. Sheesh

To that D.C. area morning show (you know who you are), I present to you, D-Nice; and please get your ish together:

1 had something to say:

Strength/Courage/Wisdom said...

"My name is D-Nice ... friends call me Derek"

I remember him! I feel your pain. I hope they're not getting divorced though.

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