Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun With Barbie

If you're like me, you probably struggled with what to do with your Barbie Doll collection when you reached a certain age - even if you only had five and lived to cut off their hair. *ahem*

My Barbies still sit in my parents' attic but I did stumble across a few people who found new and innovative ways to give Barbie a second life - and just in time for her 50th birthday.

Some of these re-purposed Barbies are a bit twisted and scary, but cool at the same time. Go ahead - click. explore.

(click the photos para más)

Barbie Doll Portrait Project
(glam photography by Larry Torno)
*my personal fave

Barbie Jewelry by Margaux Lange

2 had something to say:

Nicole said...

Okay, the dismembered Barbie hand earrings are a lil freaky, but I'd wear them.

And we've read some of the same books. I go back to passages from that Marita Golden book all the time.

Tbyrd said...

Oddly, I chose the eye earrings first, then the hands. I wonder what that says about our personalities.

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