Will Resume Posting Next Week
I'm feeling a lot like this lately:
(Poor Lauryn.) Rather than smear my face with clown makeup and step out the door looking mixed up, I listen to music and sing along, loudly and badly - usually in my car or bathroom where nobody can hear me (except that one dude who heard me in traffic once even though my windows were wound up tight - oops), or I do other things I will not share here. :o)
Here's one of my favorite songs for days like this. I dug in the crate for this one and keep meaning to add it to a "Mad at the World" playlist. Enjoy
1 had something to say:
*LEAVE LAURYN ALONE* (in my crazed Britney fan voice)
I love Penitentary Philosophy. I remember when I first heard it, I was arguing with an old boyfriend (you know the one). We turned the cd on, were in the midst of a heated argument and here comes Ms Badu, screaming and scaring the crap out of us! I think that everytime I hear this song!
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