Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blogging While Lazy

I know I've been slacking with the posts, but I'm on vacation and I just can't bring myself to do much right now. I'm resting. So, here's another lovely song. Maybe you've heard it already. Maybe not. Just thought I would share since this tune makes me so doggone happy for some reason. Speaking of "happy", have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yeah, I probably won't post until like a week or so into the '09. We shall see...

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Collage: n. an art form in which bits of objects, as newspaper, cloth, pressed flowers, etc. are pasted together on a surface in incongruous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect. 2. any collection of seemingly unrelated bits and parts, as in a photomontage vt. to arrange (material) in a collage
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