Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

Even though I'm a big girl now, my Christmas list today would likely be longer than it was as a kid. Clothes, accessories, shoes, music, movies, books, home goods, personal safety - the list of adult wants and needs are endless it seems. So, instead of directing you to one of my many wishlists, I figured I'd just share a few of the quirkier things I would love to find under my Christmas tree. (click photos for details):

Any one (or all of) these Urban Outfitters cameras:

Link1. Fuji Instax Camera
2. Lomo Diana Dreamer Camera
3. Lomo Fisheye Camera

1 had something to say:

Anonymous said...

OMG - I just saw Juno and that cheeseburger phone! Love it! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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