Thursday, December 13, 2007


My favorite song by Leela James is My Joy. Sure it’s a blues song, but it’s hardly a sad one. I’d love to share my favorite live version but it somehow vanished from YouTube and everywhere else on the 'net (probably due to an accident with the mic during the performance. Still, that’s just how fierce the song was because the mic incident didn’t even matter!). So I’ll just share this one. Actually what I like about this performance is how she breaks it down. I really could have used this a few years back, but maybe someone else could benefit from the message now. Enjoy…
(Besides James’ music, I love the way she rocks the blow-out.)

1 had something to say:

Nicole said...

Ohhh, how I needed that! That's a mighty big, mighty soulful voice she's rockin. Thanks chick!

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